Friday, June 26, 2009

Funny now, but gross at the time

This actually happened a few weeks back, but I am slow to posting... busy with twins you know. We have a pack 'n' play in our living room which we use all the time to change diapers. Right in front of it we have our 2 bouncers that the kids practically live in & are a total lifesaver for me. I was changing Griffin, he had the poo EVERYWHERE. I got him all cleaned up & was getting ready to put the new diaper on when all of a sudden he clenched his cheeks & next thing I know, something shot out! Cooper had been sleeping, soundly I might add, in the bouncer. I knew poo flew out of Griffin, but could not see where it went. We have dark hardwood floors, I couldn't see it anywhere & I knew I didn't see things. I am tired, but not THAT tired! :) All of a sudden Cooper starts to fuss..... I look down at him & yep, there was a little poo on poor Coop-coops hand! A little got on his outfit & on his bouncer, so the poor thing not only had to get "disinfected" but was without his beloved bouncer most of the day.

I was completely grossed out at the time, but later on when I was sharing the story with my mom, I could not stop laughing! I can only imagine all the stories I will have as they get older! They are definitely keeping things interesting.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Will it ever get easier?

Today is what I will call, "melt-down day". Either Peanut (Griffin) would fuss uncontrollably or Monkey (Cooper) would. They would either take turns or would fuss at the same time. It is funny, well after it gets quiet it is funny, that usually it is Peanut that fusses. He fusses cause he is wet, or cause he is hungry, or because he has to stretch out his arm, or for no reason at all. He is a baby & babies do this, I know that. But Monkey is so chill. They are like night & day really. I can't wait to see their little personalities develop as they get older. I will predict this: Peanut will be a "male diva". (Harsh, I know. But if you were around the boy, you would agree.) And Monkey will be a totally "surfer dude". Totally laid back, roll with the punches type.

Although my 2 munchkins are having a rough day, I had a little victory myself. BOTH babies were hungry this a.m., so I fed them BOTH at the same time. Now, I've done this once before, but it was a bit of a mess. (More food on them-then in their mouths). Today, however, it worked pretty good. Just have to work some "kinks" out is all. But what a great feeling to know I can totally rock this taking care of twins thing!! :)

I have some major catching up on story sharing since the boys are almost 8 weeks already!!