Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is there a "right way"?

How do you respond to someone when they call your child a, "problem child"? Do you shrug it off? Do you laugh? Do you correct that person? What? Now what if your child has special needs? And the person who called your child a "problem child", knows about his special needs. How do you respond then? My answer? Well, it is in two parts. What I did & what I WANTED to do. What I did was "remind" her of exactly what his issues are. And that it is something that he cannot help. And that we are going through the necessary steps to learn how to better manage it so he can have the best life possible.

Now what I really WANTED to do was throw her out of my home for being so insensitive & rude & hurtful. But given who that person was, that wasn't an option. Or maybe it was, but if I wanted to keep some sort of peace in our lives & not travel back down a road once traveled, I bit my tongue, took a deep breath & explained yet again what was going on. Is it denial on her part? Or is it a pure lack of interest? Who knows. Maybe lack of understanding... The sad part is that this seems to be a bit of an inconvenience for some people, but given a choice, I am sure that I would not choose this for my child, nor would he. But it is what it is. You almost expect to hear rude comments from strangers, after all they don't know you, but when it comes from family, it never makes any sense to me.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

1st Visit to Santa

We took the boys to see the Nordstrom Santa in downtown Seattle on Thursday. Talk about a PERFECT day/time to go. There was like 6 people in front of us. It was wonderful. The boys did great. I think they were just happy to be out & about. They were just looking around, taking everything in. This was their first time in Seattle too. I wish we lived closer, they have so many great things for kids. I am really looking forward to the spring. Cabin fever has been setting in. Not just for me, but for the kids too. But the kids did great with Santa. No screaming or anything. We've been reading lots of Christmas books lately, so maybe that helped? Next year they might act differently. Griffin tried taking Santas' beard with him. He had that thing glued down pretty good!! Griffin has a strong grip!!! I can't wait to see their pictures, don't get them until after the new year. They let you take your own pics too & video, so we did get those. If their pics turn out half as good as our digital ones, we will be in luck. Can't believe it is their 1st Christmas already.

Jason got his results back from his test. He passed! Thank the heavens. I was going to kill him if he didn't. It has been hard taking care of the kids by myself. But, in many ways it really forced me to grow up & take responsiblilty for something. But still, it has been a long & hard 7 months. This didn't turn out how I'd hoped when I got pregnant, but nothing ever does. I am just lucky that they are both healthy little boys with wicked senses of humor.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want from my life. Things I want to accomplish. Not going to make a new years' resolution....never stick to those. I am just going to make a list of things I want to accomplish in 5 years. I am not going to share them with anyone, just going to jot it down in my journal. I want to be the kind of person my children can respect & admire.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Life in the Country

Me & the boys are currently in Montana at my parents' home. Kalispell, Montana to be exact. We've been here about a week now & the weather has been very hot which normally I don't mind one bit, but my parents do not have air conditioning, so my poor boys have spent most days in nothing but a diaper. But they seem to be handling it good.
We goto the park almost everyday for a little walk which is nice. They have some great parks here. Of course the boys are always asleep when we are there, but just getting them out & getting fresh air is wonderful.
I cannot believe that my boys are about to turn 3 months. They have changed so much already. Even in this last week since being here, there has been changes. I am not sure if it is because we are in a different place or because I left a stressful home & never noticed it, but my boys are getting big & doing things they never did before. Cooper is smiling up a storm. He is truly my happy baby. I adore him. Griffin loves to look at himself in the mirror on his play gym. He has also finally started to smile, but you have to catch it quick cause he only gives it up for a second, then he goes to his trademark sneer. He is such a ham.
Coming here to Montana was what I needed on many levels. And I can see that it was something the boys needed as well. They just seem happier or calmer or something. Can't help but take notice of that.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

2 months

Boys had their 2 month "well baby" exam today. Cooper is 10 lbs. 9 oz & Griffin is 9 lbs. 10 oz. Can you even believe it? My boys are soooo big! Both are doing really really good. I cannot even believe my boys are 2 whole months already. When people said it goes by really fast, they were not kidding! I am looking forward to seeing them grow & do new things.... but I just hope they don't grow up too fast!! :)

I was proud of myself, I took the boys all by myself to my work yesterday. Had to show off my adorable little men.... they loved it. All those women constantly holding them. They ate it up!! I could not believe that Griff NEVER FUSSED & both of them stayed awake the whole time we were there. I thought for sure I would pay for it on the way home, but thankfully they both slept like little angels & started to fuss right when we pulled into the garage. Their "good behavior" is giving me some confidence to go out on my own with them more often. For the most part I've been doing that anyways, but only to the park & the mall once. Sounds lame I am sure but every little outting I do by myself with them is like a little victory. I took them to the doctor today by myself. Thankfully the nurse helped me out, made things go a bit faster. Doesn't take much anymore to make me happy.... thankfully I have 2 great kids that make my life a little easier...

No funny stories or gross stories yet to share... been pretty lame. Just feeding, burping, changing, & sleeping.... Give it time..... and someday I will post pictures on here..

Friday, June 26, 2009

Funny now, but gross at the time

This actually happened a few weeks back, but I am slow to posting... busy with twins you know. We have a pack 'n' play in our living room which we use all the time to change diapers. Right in front of it we have our 2 bouncers that the kids practically live in & are a total lifesaver for me. I was changing Griffin, he had the poo EVERYWHERE. I got him all cleaned up & was getting ready to put the new diaper on when all of a sudden he clenched his cheeks & next thing I know, something shot out! Cooper had been sleeping, soundly I might add, in the bouncer. I knew poo flew out of Griffin, but could not see where it went. We have dark hardwood floors, I couldn't see it anywhere & I knew I didn't see things. I am tired, but not THAT tired! :) All of a sudden Cooper starts to fuss..... I look down at him & yep, there was a little poo on poor Coop-coops hand! A little got on his outfit & on his bouncer, so the poor thing not only had to get "disinfected" but was without his beloved bouncer most of the day.

I was completely grossed out at the time, but later on when I was sharing the story with my mom, I could not stop laughing! I can only imagine all the stories I will have as they get older! They are definitely keeping things interesting.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Will it ever get easier?

Today is what I will call, "melt-down day". Either Peanut (Griffin) would fuss uncontrollably or Monkey (Cooper) would. They would either take turns or would fuss at the same time. It is funny, well after it gets quiet it is funny, that usually it is Peanut that fusses. He fusses cause he is wet, or cause he is hungry, or because he has to stretch out his arm, or for no reason at all. He is a baby & babies do this, I know that. But Monkey is so chill. They are like night & day really. I can't wait to see their little personalities develop as they get older. I will predict this: Peanut will be a "male diva". (Harsh, I know. But if you were around the boy, you would agree.) And Monkey will be a totally "surfer dude". Totally laid back, roll with the punches type.

Although my 2 munchkins are having a rough day, I had a little victory myself. BOTH babies were hungry this a.m., so I fed them BOTH at the same time. Now, I've done this once before, but it was a bit of a mess. (More food on them-then in their mouths). Today, however, it worked pretty good. Just have to work some "kinks" out is all. But what a great feeling to know I can totally rock this taking care of twins thing!! :)

I have some major catching up on story sharing since the boys are almost 8 weeks already!!